Looking at Thomas uncertainly, I asked him nervously, “Are you angry with me, Thomas? I mean, I’m really too small to fight your way and I read in this book how a smaller person might be able to stand up against a larger man. I’ve been practicing it every day.”

Thomas shook his head in amazement, “Leave it to you, Squirt, to learn how to fight from a book! Nah, I’m not mad. Actually, I’m rather impressed with you right now,” and a slow smile started spreading across his face. “Oh, yeah,” Thomas rubbed his large hands together in a rather devilish way. “I can’t wait for you to fight against Jarvis!” Thomas looked thoughtful for a moment as I gulped a large knot in my throat. Fight against Jarvis!? Was he kidding? No one, absolutely no one, ever beat Jarvis at anything. The man was more than huge, he was a giant! He was even taller than Father.

Looking at Thomas, I reminded him, “Jarvis said he’d never teach me sword-craft because he just didn’t have the time.”

“Yeah, that could be a problem,” Thomas admitted. “Let me think on it, Squirt. In the meantime, don’t you go and tell nobody that you beat me today, you hear? This I want to be a surprise. Father will…” Thomas hesitated a moment, “I just don’t know how Father will react. He’s kinda strange when it comes to you. Why don’t you come here again tomorrow at the same time and we’ll practice this new talent of yours, okay?”

A warm feeling began deep inside my chest, Thomas was acting like he was proud of me! “Yeah, Thomas. If you’re sure it’s okay,” I replied shyly. Wow, wouldn’t it be something if this new way of fighting finally gained me a little respect?!

“Now, don’t you go getting up on your high horse, Squirt,” Thomas told me with a frown. “I don’t know if Father will approve of this kind of fighting or not. Personally, I think it might be your only hope of surviving out there in the big bad world. You’re just so small and weak,” Thomas shook his head sadly. “I’m afraid you’ll spend maybe five minutes on a battlefield before you’re killed. We may be hard on you, Squirt, but that’s because we’re trying to save your life. You’ve got to develop some muscle in those puny arms of yours.”

“I try, Thomas, I really do. But I just don’t seem to grow like you guys do,” I told him sadly. It was a real bane of my life that I was so small compared to my large muscular brothers. I’ll tell you right now, even when I did finally get some height on me, I’ve never been large. I just can’t seem to gain any weight no matter how I eat.

“Well, maybe we need to make sure you eat more,” Thomas looked me over thoughtfully. “Of course, with this new fighting skill of yours, maybe quickness is more your style than brute strength. At any rate, we’re going to practice that and see what comes of it. In the meantime, I’ll try and think of a way to get Jarvis in here.” Obviously seeing the puzzled look on my face, Thomas explained, “If we can get Jarvis on our side in this, then he’ll convince Father. The trick is getting Jarvis on our side before Father forbids your learning to fight your way. If Father forbids it first, then nothing we say will get Jarvis on our side. So, Squirt, don’t you let Father know about this, okay?” Thomas looked at me with such a grave expression, I quickly nodded my agreement.

“Okay, then, if we’re going to keep them from getting suspicious, I’m afraid we’re going to have to do a few rounds the old-fashioned way. Otherwise everyone will wonder why you look so chipper.” Thomas grinned at me with an evil look, “And I’m going to get some payback for all those thumps you just got in!” Without warning, Thomas lifted his sword in a backhand swing, which I immediately tried to counter. Of course, the sword was knocked out of my hand and he proceeded to give me the usual drubbing until I was sure I was turning black and blue. When he finally let up on me, I growled at him unhappily, “you sure we have to do this the hard way?”

Doing something I had never seen Thomas do before, he grinned at me and offered me a hand up! Surprised, I put my hand in his as he pulled me to my feet. “Buck up, Squirt,” he said cheerfully. “At least now I feel like you’ll have a chance to last more than five minutes on a battlefield!”

Can Jasper and Thomas convince Jarvis to let him fight his way, or does his Father forbid it first? Find out in the next installment coming soon!

Categories: Wizard Jasper

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